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Darley Abbey Day 2017

We had a wonderful Darley Abbey Day on 10 June 2017. In St Matthew’s we had Refreshments and breakfast, 9.30 to 10.30 am, then the Official Opening Ceremony at 11 am. Gwen Taylor did the honours. Lunches were served from 12 noon, followed by Cream Teas until 4 pm. Lots of people came to see

  • A world in miniature – display by Ian and Jane Roxburgh,

  • Learn about the organisations and clubs within our community through the decoration of Hearts on Hats.

  • Display of drawings from the pupils of Walter Evans and Old Vicarage schools.


Elsewhere in the village we had a Scarecrow Trail, Open Gardens, The Village Attic Trail, Baking and Photographic Competitions, Cricket Match, Evening BBQ/Live Music, Bike Registration, Home Safety, Open Church with refreshments, ‘Bell Boat’ on the river, paddle boarding, toddler footie, and much more. The 63rd Derby Scouts had their Field Day on Dean’s Field, to raise funds towards buying their HQ in the village. Here is a selection of photos.


Details of Darley Abbey Day 2021 are


Darley Abbey Day raised about £4,500. One third goes to St Matthew's, and the other two thirds towards funding defibrillators to be placed in the village with 24 hour access.

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